Below is a flyer in PDF that you can download for our VBS program starting June 24th. Just click the download link. Below that is a graphic file you can download to place on your social media, along with important information.

Here is a graphic file you can download to place on your social media. Just right click on the image and select “Save image as…”

Important items:

  • Location: Anchor Baptist Church @ 5311 Crestway Drive
  • Dates: June 24th– 28th
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
  • Grades: K – 6th
  • There will be Bible Stories, Crafts, Games and Refreshments each evening. Parents are welcome to remain for the program!

Our pastor and church have found these following resources to be helpful:

BBN Radio (Bible Broadcasting Network):

Days of Praise – Daily Devotional (ICR):

ICR Website (The Institute for Creation Research):

The World and Everything In It – Podcast: